Guide: Mosquito (mosquito), belonging to the insect family Diptera, has about 3,000 species worldwide. It is a small flying insect with a sucking mouthpart. Usually the female uses blood as food, while the male uses the juice of the plant. Blood-sucking female mosquitoes are intermediate hosts for other pathogens such as dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, and Japanese encephalitis. There are mosquitoes distributed in all continents except Antarctica. Among them, Anopheles, Aedes and Culex are the most famous.
I am a type O blood, from small to large is the one who attracts mosquitoes. Mosquitoes not only bite us, but in addition to itching and pain, mosquitoes can also infect malaria, filariasis, and Japanese encephalitis. Therefore, the absence of mosquitoes in the summer is a good wish of all of us.